Based on data analysis, it is concluded that there is a relationship between the use of learning resources via the internet and the learning motivation of grade V students at SDN Keramat Mina, Banjar Regency based on the analysis of = 0,451 > = 0,361 at a significance level of 5% of N = 30. The data analysis used was correlation technique. The data mining tool used was a questionnaire. The sample in this study using purposive sampling amounted to 30 students. The subjects in this study were all fifth grade students at SDN Keramat Mina, Banjar Regency. The object of this research is the relationship between the use of learning resources via the internet and the learning motivation of fifth grade students at SDN Keramat Mina, Banjar Regency. Saidah Tunnoor, Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between the use of learning resources via the internet and the learning motivation of fifth grade students at SDN Keramat Mina, Banjar Regency.